Joseph I. Giarrusso
NEW ORLEANS - District "A" Councilmember and Public Works Committee Chair Joe Giarrusso has issued the following statement in response to the Sewerage and Water Board's (S&WB) plan to request increased fees:
"Yesterday the S&WB told media outlets that the utility plans to ask for City Council support to extend water and sewer rate hikes and to implement a drainage fee.
My position on this issue remains unchanged: I will not support any increase until the S&WB earns the people's trust that they will spend tax dollars effectively.
While they've been talking to newspapers and TV stations about their need for additional funds, what has the S&WB done to restore the public's confidence in their operations or fiscal management? They've been:
- Sending bad bills to customers,
- Delaying release of their annual audit multiple times,
- Allowing unacceptable job performance and literally falling asleep on the job, and
- Not fully explaining their financial position.
As Chair of the Council's Public Works Committee, I am committed to working with the S&WB and the administration to find solutions to these challenges. However, the S&WB shouldn't ask New Orleanians for more money until their house is in order and they have a plan."
Media Contact:
Katie Baudouin
Office of District "A" Councilmember Joseph I. Giarrusso III
(504) 658-1010