
January 23, 2020

Criminal Justice Committee, Jason Rogers Williams

Council Vice President Jason Williams Responds to Investigations and Provides Next Steps Regarding Hard Rock Collapse

Council Vice President Jason Williams Responds to Investigations and Provides Next Steps Regarding Hard Rock Collapse

NEW ORLEANS - City Council Vice President Jason Williams has issued the following statement in response to the ongoing investigations and findings relative to the Hard Rock collapse:

"I truly hoped that the early initial investigations into the circumstances surrounding the Hard Rock collapse, such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) inquiry, would have produced desperately needed answers by now. I am disappointed at the pace. Out of respect for the other ongoing inquiries, I originally thought it best to wait for other formal investigations to proceed. It is now abundantly clear that we as a city can no longer delay action on this matter. 

I am proposing the creation of a temporary special committee of the Council's Criminal Justice Committee to thoroughly investigate and begin gathering important information as we await submission of OSHA's findings. 

Based on my research since this tragedy occurred, I have found a clear precedent for such local investigation occurring concurrently with other investigatory agencies. I believe this is exactly what the people of New Orleans expect and deserve."


Media Contact: 
Keith Lampkin
Councilmember Jason Rogers Williams, At-Large
cell: (504) 758-8913

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