
March 30, 2020

Helena Moreno

City Council Suspends This Week's Full Council Meeting

City Council Suspends This Week's Full Council Meeting

NEW ORLEANS - During the ongoing public health crisis due to COVID-19, the City Council continues to prioritize the health and safety of the public and its employees. Councilmembers are taking the precautions conveyed by health professionals very seriously and, in light of those facts, will suspend this week's' full Council meeting scheduled for Thursday, April 2.


Governor John Bel Edwards' "Stay at Home" order currently runs through April 13. To read the full order, click here


"We hope to resume meetings as soon as possible, even exploring logistics and processes of virtual meetings in the future," said Council President Moreno. "We urge the public to continue to obey the warnings of public health experts, limit outings to essential needs, and to maintain social distancing in order to mitigate harm caused by the coronavirus outbreak. We ask that you stay safe by staying home."


For regular updates and information, please visit





Media Contact:

Andrew Tuozzolo

Chief of Staff

Office of Councilmember-at-Large Helena Moreno 

(504) 281-9882

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