
May 17, 2018

Jason Rogers Williams

City Council President Jason Williams to Outline Action Plan that Addresses Entergy's Use of Paid Actors

City Council President Jason Williams to Outline Action Plan that Addresses Entergy's Use of Paid Actors

NEW ORLEANS - City Council President Jason Williams will hold a press conference to address Entergy's use of paid actors during the decision-making process for the New Orleans Power Station. The press conference will outline what steps the City Council can take to investigate this issue.

WHAT: Press Conference

WHEN: Friday, May 18, 2018, at 9:30 a.m.

WHERE: City Hall, 1300 Perdido St. Room 2W47

WHO: City Council President Jason Williams and other City Councilmembers.

WHY: The practice of artificial grassroots organizing, known as astroturfing, regrettably creates the perception of a tainted process, and unfairly impacts the hard work and countless hours the Council, staff and parties to the docket put into this critical decision. The harmful impact of this nefarious process is unfortunate, unappreciated and in contravention to the true democratic deliberative process. Regardless of the 2,700 pages of evidence supporting the necessity of the power station, the City cannot move forward until this issue is resolved.



Katie Hunter-Lowrey
Director of Communications
Office of Council President Jason Williams

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