
October 11, 2018

Public Works, Sanitation and Environment Committee, Joseph I. Giarrusso

Public Works Committee to Receive Updates from S&WB and More on Monday, October 15

Public Works Committee to Receive Updates from S&WB and More on Monday, October 15

NEW ORLEANS - The Public Works Committee will hear from leadership of the Sewerage and Water Board (S&WB) and the Department of Public Works at its meeting on Monday, Oct. 15. The S&WB will provide an update to the committee on their work to restore public confidence in regards to customer bills.

Cogsdale Corporation, the company that developed the billing system S&WB has used since late 2016, will also make a presentation and answer questions on the implementation and performance of the system.

S&WB General Counsel will provide an update to the committee on the status of SELA Drainage Project claims.

Other agenda items include:

  • Follow-up on unanswered questions at previous meetings
  • Coordination of S&WB and DPW on repairing streets after water line repairs
  • Content of the latest S&WB quarterly report
  • Performance metrics for employees and contractors
  • Update on deployment of Smart Meters

The meeting will begin at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chamber at City Hall. Members of the public are encouraged to attend and provide comment. The full meeting agenda can be found here.


Media Contact: 
Katie Baudouin
Office of District "A" Councilmember Joseph I. Giarrusso III
(504) 658-1010

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