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Council Docket UD-18-03, established via Resolution No. R-18-223, is a rulemaking proceeding to establish community solar program rules to support the expansion of renewable options available to New Orleans residents. In particular, the community solar program rules should (1) be designed for those who are unable to participate in the Net Energy Metering Program for various reasons; (2) allow customers to offset their own electric consumption, but not allow customers to generate electricity for profit at the expense of other ratepayers; (3) leave as much flexibility as possible for developers to design community solar programs that they believe will be attractive to New Orleans citizens; (4) protect non-participating ratepayers from risks associated with the program; (5) should ENO become a community solar developer, it must offer the same privileges it allows itself to all other developers; (6) community solar project developers must meet all applicable safety and reliability protocols; and (8) adopt consumer protection standards to ensure that consumers are treated fairly by developers and that that their dealings with developers are transparent. In this docket, Council Utility Advisors presented the Council with a White Paper discussing issues and questions associated with the creation of community solar rules and proposed rules. As such, the Council will seek input and comment from the public on the Advisors’ White Paper, the proposed rules for community solar, and other shared distributed generation programs.
On December 13, 2018, the Utility, Cable, Telecommunications, and Technology Committee (“UCTTC”) recommended approval of a resolution establishing rules governing the deployment of community solar projects in New Orleans, including a proposed schedule for implementation and a schedule to receive comments on enforcement. This resolution will be forwarded to the full Council for consideration after further review of various implementation strategies, including subscriber bill credits, among the parties. On March 28, 2019, the City Council adopted Community Solar Rules, as appended to Resolution R-19-111, except for Section XIV (Enforcement of These Rules). The Council seeks further comment from the parties as outlined in the procedural schedule below. Pertinent docket deadline dates were as follows:
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